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KML Tutorials

Simply watch the video tutorials below to learn how to follow the exact routes I take whilst hiking. You must have the Google Earth app downloaded to your laptop or mobile to use the KML files.

You must have the Google Earth app downloaded to your laptop to see the routes I took

You must have the Google Earth app downloaded to your mobile to see the routes I took

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About Me

Hi guys, my name is Sam Webster and I'm a marine biologist who spends as much time as possible underwater. My Ventureon blogs document my search for adventure on land. If you're looking for something more thrill-seeking than the common concrete trails of HK, then these blogs are for you. To the newly arrived and short-term travellers, I'm sure my blogs will surprise you through revealing the city's untold wild side. If you're a regular HK hiker wanting to explore a more exciting class of trail, then in my experience, these are the very best on offer. Like me, you'll return again and again, right through the seasons. To follow my adventures, find me on Instagram @SamJackWebster

© 2020 Ventureon. Sam Webster.

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